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Lénárd Róbert, a társulat improvizációi alapján
Director: Lénárd Róbert
Duration of the perfomance: 90 minutes
Duration of the perfomance: 85 minutes
Duration of the perfomance: 90 minutes
Duration of the perfomance: 115 minutes
Duration of the perfomance: 170 minutes
Duration of the perfomance: 120 minutes
Duration of the perfomance: 120 minutes
Duration of the perfomance: 270 minutes
Lénárd Róbert, a társulat improvizációi alapján
Director: Lénárd Róbert
Duration of the perfomance: 90 minutes
Lovas Ildikó
Director: Urbán András
Duration of the perfomance: 90 minutes
Urbán András
Director: Urbán András
Duration of the perfomance: 115 minutes
Lev Nyikolajevics Tolsztoj
Director: Dejan Projkovszki
Duration of the perfomance: 170 minutes
Vörösmarty Mihály - Görgey Gábor
Director: László Sándor
Duration of the perfomance: 120 minutes
Director: Bélai Marcel
Duration of the perfomance: 120 minutes
Director: Ermira Goro
All performances from the regular repertoire have translations into Serbian. The translation is broadcasted on the stage portal.