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At the night after a show celebrating the 50th anniversary of a theatre, the actors stay in the theatre building, waiting for the morning. In the hungover fog they hallucinate (or not?) the audience, the music, the ghosts of the past and the india… indigenous Americans. Once Upon a time in Novi Sad is a lot of dance and singing, but also looking at the mirror and seeing who we are and why do we make theatre.
The talent of this ensemble is, as mentioned, incredibly impressive. They act, dance, and sing (all at the same time!). Once Upon a Time in Novi Sad is a celebration of theatre and a tribute to the theatre, a magnificent cabaret party that also speaks about the problems of cultural institution in a non-pathetic way, acknowledging its flaws, even mocking them, criticizing its mistakes, delighting with its charm, and admitting that the theatre needs the audience as much as the audience needs the theatre. This performance is, ultimately, a great thank-you note for the theatre and the audience. - Divna Stojanov, SeeStage
69. Sterija Játékok - 2024
Városmajori Színházi Szemle - 2024
Vajdasági Hivatásos Színházak 73. Fesztiválja - 2024
Újvidéki Színház - 2023/24
Borini pozorišni dani - Színházi fesztivál, Vranje - 2024
Újvidéki Színház - 2023/24
Újvidéki Művészeti Akadémia - 2024
Funders of the show: The Cultural Council of the City of Novi Sad, Hungarian National Fond